Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Doctor Check-Up at 146 Months :)

Jordan had a doctor visit today. Technically, this is his 146-month check-up. Silly. I miss counting his age in months.

Anyway, in a throwback to his younger years, I thought I'd post his stats like I would if he was still a baby:
  • Height: 64.75 inches (>97%)
  • Weight: 127 lbs (97%)
  • BMI: 21% (86%)
  • Blood Pressure: 110/70 (perfect)
  • He no longer gets his head measured, so I can only guess that he's got an average-sized noggin
He also got 5 immunization shots and didn't have any problems. It was nice to not have to hold him to the table. :) He went outside and played basketball after we got home. We'll see if he gets any muscle aches or a fever. 

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